These classes are provided for the student that has a longer attention span and wants to spend more time on each technique.
Class Attire
Girl's Attire
All attire
- Preparatory 1 or 2 Tap/Jazz – Capezio Skin tone Convertible Tights, Capezio Flex Black Tie Tap Shoe, SoDanca Skin tone Canvas Jazz Shoe, Black Leotard any style, Optional Black Shorts or Leggings – Items maybe purchased from Footlights Dance Boutique in Frederick or from www.discountdance.com
Boy's Attire
All attire
- Boys Preparatory 1 or 2 Tap/Jazz Attire – Black Tie Tap Shoe, So Danca Skin Tone Canvas Jazz Shoe, Black Athletic Pants or Shorts and Solid Colored T-Shirt – Items maybe purchased from Footlights Dance Boutique in Frederick or from www.discountdance.com